Governing Board of CIS

For the Year 2017-2020

Prof. Quazi Quamruzzaman is locally recognized as freedom fighter during Bangla desh Genocide 1971. He graduated from Chittagong Medical College, Bangladesh then he moved on to study general surgery in Royal College of Physicians and Sur geons, Glasgow, UK and also Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, UK and complet ed his study in Pediatric Surgery from International College of Surgeons, USA.

Chairman, CIS

Chairman, Dhaka Community Hospital Trust

During his student life he involved as a volunteer of Pabna Community Clinic which is a sister organization of Dhaka Community Hospital Trust (DCHT). He organized local team for distribution relief materials during disaster. He worked as a team leader during 1988 flood and the great cyclone 1990 in Bangladesh. After completion of his higher studies he joint as a field coordinator at Dhaka Community Hospital Trust on 1998.

Vice Chairman

Co-ordinator of KSC of DCH Trust and Hospital Director of DCH

Md. Golam Mostofa, a native of Pabna, he completed Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) degree in Management in 1997 and Master of Commerce in Management in 1998 from Edward University College. His involvement as a volunteer in disaster and com munity health program had led him into joining Dhaka Community Hospital Trust in 1998 as a Program Officer and gradually promoted to Project Director in 2007. He also completed MBA in 2007 from Stamford University.

Members Secretary

Executive Director, CIS

Sukumar Chakrabortty


Member of KSC and Finance Director of DCH Trust

Prof. Abdul Wadud Khan

Governing Body Member

Retd. Principal, DCMCH

Abu Saleh Mohammed Monirul Alam

Governing Body Member

Professor, Dhaka Community Medical College & Hospital

Dr. Rahima Ali

Governing Body Member

Director, Institute of Community Health Bangladesh

Management :

As an ex officio member, the secretary of the Governing Board is the Chief Executive of the organization who is designated as Executive Director. In administering the organization he is assisted by other staff member. He supervises finance, administration and HR masters, in cooperation with the Director HR and Director Accounts. Every different programme is overseen by a Programme Director. They are assisted by Branch Managers, who look after offices in the field level. Field or root-level staffs are Development Personnel, Health Personnel etc. There is a monitoring cell headed by a Monitoring and Documentation Officer (MDO). The MDO is assisted by all programme staffs and responsible giving regular programme monitoring reports to the management for decision-making to implement all programme and activities effectively and efficiently following the set goals and objective. There are 28 full time staffs who are implementing the development programmes and activities in the headquarters and field-office levels.

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